Wednesday 20 March 2019

Best Experiences At Semester 4

Well let me introduce my self before im start share my experiences, My name Mohammad Reggy Kustiawan Putra make it simple just call me reggy. you know what? my best experiences start when i  was decided to take it off at semester 4  causes, my parents retired from his job. Money can't buy everything right? but you have to pay campus right?

to able take the exam. so im little frustrated with that conditions so im starts to got some part-time job so i can help my parents. but reality so cruel and never got some job. and one day my junior from high school call me to help her, she needs my helps to finished her projects. after help het at  74 senior high school, the principal call me to fixed her computer. Thanks God the principal gave me me job to teach. extracurricular "Karya Ilmiah Remaja" without hesitation im take the job and start teaching next week. cause of that's situation now i have dream im gonna be teachers/lecturer one day.

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